Hair Dyes are great for your hair.  There’s a problem, though. If the dye drips on your sink, it can ...

How would you feel if someone drops paint on your new carpet? It is any homemaker’s nightmare. I came face-to-face ...

From the outside, all water is seemingly the same: clear, mostly flavorless, two hydrogens, one oxygen. But once you get ...

On a cold, stormy night, a few years ago, my younger one slid into my bed. Next morning, he presented ...

When I renovated my house recently, the one thing I made sure was to get stains off ceiling. This is because ...

Coffee stains can be difficult to get rid of. More than the stain itself, it is the stained material that ...

If nothing makes you as nauseous as mold growth, you’re my soul sister. Mold may easily appear on damp fabrics ...

A smooth-running day can become stressful, the moment you pull out your favorite shirt to wear only to find it ...

Recently, a friend went through a prolonged medical treatment. Along with the diet chart and lifestyle changes, there came a ...

Grass is a natural, everyday part of life.  A child of Mother Nature, grass can get into your clothing, your ...